
4 ways to get rid of dandruff caused by seborrheic dermatitis

Overview Finding flakes, dryness, and dandruff in hair bothers a lot, especially when you are heading to a party or your closest buddy’s marriage. Even for a regular get-together, hair enhances overall beauty – Obviously for a female! And what about the male? Don’t they experience dandruff issues? Of course, they do! Men are more likely than women to report dandruff – you must be thinking the reason behind it – Well, men produce up to 60% more sebum than women – this adds the chances of developing excess oils to the males lead to greasy hair and scalp. Whether it’s male or female, children or teenagers – dandruff is normal to talk. And the common question is – How to get rid of dandruff. This article is about acquiring enough knowledge of why dandruff happens, tips to get rid of dandruff, complication, and other factors associated with dandruff. If you are reading this article, then it is for sure, you might have been undergone few tips for getting rid of dandruff at your home and couldn’t get the expected result. Here you will get the exact solution of what you have been waiting for since dandruff has knocked on the door. Dandruff is a scalp complaint that causes flakes of the scalp skin to appear; itching may also happen because of dandruff! Proper treatment is required if the dandruff condition becomes severe, like-Seborrheic Dermatitis, Psoriasis condition of the scalp, allergic reactions. Apart from these conditions, some underlying causes increase the risk of developing dandruff, including the stress level (so breathe, and take it easy – your stress can raise other stress too), age, medical conditions, and suitable hair care products.

Signs And Symptoms

The signs & symptoms of dandruff include:

  • Itchy Scalp
  • Skin flakes on the scalp, eyebrows, beard, or mustache
  • Crusty scalp in infants with cradle cap

Again, if you are stressed, the condition of dandruff may be more severe, and they tend to flare in dry and cold seasons. Dandruff is a common issue; it’s just you have to take care of your hair, protecting and shielding your hair by choosing the right hair care product. Haircare product not just means – oil and shampoo, but also, it includes healthy diet and lifestyle. Most cases of dandruff don’t need a doctor’s appointment. Make sure you hand-pick the suitable anti-dandruff shampoo.


WHY DANDRUFF OCCURS – Dandruff issue may have many causes that include 

  • eborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition that causes oily, red patches on the scalp, breastbone, eyebrows, and sides of the nose or behind the ears. Skin affected by this condition may also be covered in a layer of white (or yellow) flaky, excess skin, none other than- dandruff. People experiencing the dandruff issue seek ways to get rid of dandruff naturally.
  • Shampooing irregular:When you forego washing your hair regularly, oils and skin cells from your scalp may build up and cause dandruff. Use HAIRVITAL shampoo for daily washing and K2 Zole lotion as an anti-dandruff wash.
  • Sensitivity to hair care ingredients:Certain hair care products may leave you with a red, itchy scalp, so it’s important to test new products first before beginning daily use.
  • Too much sugar in your dietA diet high in sugar increases blood pressure, promotes an overgrowth of the candida yeast, and depletes B vitamins, which may contribute to or cause dandruff.
  • Seasonal change:Dandruff is more experienced in cold weather as the cold air outside and dry heat inside combined with hot showers often leave the scalp dry, flaky, and itchy. Scratching the same may make a bad situation worse. When we scratch our skin, we damage it and make secondary infections with yeast or bacteria more likely.

Other possible factors are-

  • Dry Skin condition – eczema or psoriasis
  • Oily skin
  • Stress & Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • A weak immune system
  • HIV
  • Acne
  • Hormonal factors, especially in males

Scalp dandruff tends to disappear and reappear spontaneously. However, it’s typically easy to manage your symptoms using professional or over-the-counter treatments and by avoiding your triggers.


Take a chill pill as there is no major complication caused by dandruff; it seldom happens with dandruff, and the vast majority don’t have to counsel a specialist. Nonetheless, in some cases, dandruff can show a more genuine ailment. COSALIC solution effectively treats dandruff linked with Seborrheic dermatitis, eczema psoriasis of the scalp; it is considered efficient when solving irritated scalp. You can use a Cosalic solution if

  • There are indications of infection, like redness, swelling, or delicacy
  • The dandruff is increasing, and home treatment doesn’t help.
  • There are indications of dermatitis, psoriasis, or another skin condition.
  • The scalp is irritated

Other factors that you need to know

Is Seborrheic dermatitis dandruff? Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) and dandruff are of a continuous spectrum of the same condition that affects the body’s Seborrheic (major scalp area) areas. It can also affect oily parts of the body, such as – sides of the nose, ears, chest, eyelids, and eyebrows. Do I have dandruff or Seborrheic dermatitis – Yes, this is one of the common question people ask who experience dandruff issues. A straightforward evaluation of this question is that if you find white and oily flakes on the scalp (usually not itching), it is dandruff. On the other side, if the flakes come with scaly patches on the scalp, it might indicate Seborrheic dermatitis. Compared to the scalp’s dandruff, Seborrheic dermatitis causes more itchiness, and the flakes to be larger with an oily, yellow appearance. However, if the dandruff is prolonged and getting more visible than before, you can call your dandruff – Seborrheic dermatitis.


How to Get Rid of Dandruff One of the most prior tips to get rid of Seborrheic dermatitis is to choose the medicated shampoo and applying suitable hair oil. Cleanse with the best anti-dandruff shampoo Medicated dandruff shampoo is one of the easiest and best ways to control your dandruff and itching associated with it. Ingredients in shampoos that are helpful include tea tree oil, zinc, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, and tar. These ingredients reduce inflammation, slough off excess skin cells, and fight bacteria/yeast that can cause infection. At the first sign of dandruff, look for an over-the-counter shampoo that includes ketoconazole, coal tar, zinc pyrithione, piroctone olamine, or selenium sulfide. These antifungals may help reduce the spread of bacteria on your scalp and reduce dandruff. It’s also important to include anti-inflammatory ingredients like salicylic acid or sulphur to relieve any itchiness associated with scalp dandruff. Alternating between two medicated shampoos may help eliminate hair dandruff more effectively. There are stronger prescription shampoos and solutions available like K2 Zole shampoo, Cosalic lotion, and Cosalic-K lotion. If you want to buy, you can contact our support team. Treat with a medicated cream or serum Antifungal creams can help make your scalp healthier and less prone to dandruff, while salicylic acid works as an exfoliant as well as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial treatment. Cosalic lotion is best advised. Soak your hair in an apple cider vinegar mixture As a natural astringent, vinegar may help prevent dry, flaky skin and dandruff by toning and clarifying the skin. For a natural home remedy, mix a 1:1 ratio of apple cider vinegar and warm water and rinse your hair thoroughly. Leave this mixture on overnight, then wash and rinse as normal in the morning. Try opting for an anti-dandruff diet to prevent future problems Keep your diet filled with foods rich in zinc and B vitamins to help ward off dandruff. Zinc and B6 are natural powerhouses against dandruff, so fill your plate with poultry, nuts, and whole grains. Likewise, it’s important to avoid overeating sugar. Sugar may trigger an overgrowth of the candida yeast on your skin and impact the levels of vitamins C and E in the body. These vitamins play an essential role in fighting dandruff and keeping your immune system strong. If you have dry, itchy, inflamed skin that does not go away after two weeks, this is the time to see a dermatologist. You may be experiencing an allergic reaction to certain hair care products, suffering from skin inflammation or psoriasis. Your dermatologist may help identify the cause of your Seborrheic dermatitis and provide appropriate treatment.

Take Home A Message

In most cases, dandruff doesn’t directly associate with hair loss; however, in some cases, it does. The itchiness caused by the Seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff can lead to scratching – that eventually cause some hair loss, and if not solved dandruff on time, hair loss can become a part of it. Salve Pharmaceuticals is there to guide you with the proper solution if you are facing Seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff issue. If you need further assistance, you can contact us! Hope this article would be informative for you!

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